The Squirrel Hunter Mountain Bike Race is a USA Cycling-sanctioned event. The Brown's Mill Historic Site, four miles south of Newnan, will serve as the race venue. The event is the seventh race of ten scheduled for the Gonuts Biking 2021 Spring Series. Cyclists of all ages and skill levels will compete on a 6-7 mile closed circuit and an awards ceremony will be held at the completion of the event. The race is a family-friendly event for all ages, including races of children, juniors, and adults. Brown's Mill Battlefield is located at 155 Millard Farmer Road. Registration ends Friday, April 16, 2021, at midnight. If there is a delay or cancellation due to weather conditions, the information will be posted on the home page of website, social network avenues, and via email up to 72 hours prior to the race. For more information, visit